Discover the Real You

God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality). JOHN 4:24(AMPC).

If Jesus said that God is a Spirit and You are made in the likeness of God, then you are a spirit being. So, you must of necessity be a spirit.

Therefore, we do not become discouraged [spiritless, disappointed, or afraid]. Though our outer self is [progressively] wasting away, yet our inner self is being [progressively] renewed day by day. 2 CORINTHIANS 4:16(AMP)

There is an inward man. And there is an outward man. The outward man is not the real you. The outward man is only the house in which you live. The inward man is the real you. The inward man never grows older. You renew your inward man which is your spirit man through the Word of God Day by day.

Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17(KJV)

The part of you that is born again is your spirit. your spirit receives eternal life—the life of God, and the nature of God. It is your spirit that is made a new creature in Christ.

The wind blows where it wishes and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it is coming from and where it is going; so, it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit. JOHN 3:8(NKJV)

If you are born of the Spirit, then you are above the plots and activities of the enemy. That means it does not matter the plot against you, if the wind cannot be caught or stopped, so also it is with you. You cannot be stopped or caught by the enemy. You are victorious

Prayer of the Day: Father in the name of Jesus, I declare that my life is hidden with Christ in God. I remain unstoppable and ever victorious

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