A Community of Love

Let love for your fellow believers continue and be a fixed practice with you [never let it fail]. HEBREWS 13:1(AMPC)

The Church and our homes are to Be a Community of Love. We owe it to the Lord, to each other, and to the watching world. Let brotherly love abound more and more. Let Christian sympathy go out to those in need. Let us take the banner of God’s concern around the world. Let us pray for one another and especially for those with whom we disagree. Let our hearts overflow with brotherly for all of God’s children everywhere.

The most powerful recommendation for any home and any church is this–that the members love one another! The world pines for this … and flocks where it is found. When the unchurched are asked what they are looking for in a church or in a people, the answer is always the same. They are looking for a caring church and a loving people. Not just a friendly group of people or a relevant church or a church with plenty of programs. And not just a church where the Bible is clearly taught. As good and essential as those things are, they don’t touch the deepest heart cry of this generation. They want to be loved truly and deeply. When the people of the world find such a place, they stand in line to get in.

Now concerning brotherly love, you have no need for anyone to write you, for you have been [personally] taught by God to love one another [that is, to have an unselfish concern for others and to do things for their benefit].1 THESSALONIANS 4:9 (AMPC)

Prayer of the Day: Father in the name of Jesus, I declare that I will go out to those in need and take the banner of your love around the world

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